15. Ampelopsis gongshanensis C. L. Li, Chin. J. Appl. Environ. Biol. 2: 48. 1996.
贡山蛇葡萄 gong shan she pu tao
Branchlets ferruginous pilose. Leaves pinnate, usually with 3 pairs of leaflets; petiole 2-2.5 cm; central petiolule 1-1.5 cm, lateral petiolules 1-3 mm, ferruginous pilose; leaflets oval or ovate-elliptic, 3-6 × 0.5-3 cm, only abaxially sparsely pilose on midvein, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, veinlets conspicuous abaxially but not raised, veinlets adaxially retuse, base rounded, margin entire or inconspicuously denticulate, apex acuminate. Compound dichasium leaf-opposed. Berry globose, 5-7 mm in diam., 3- or 4-seeded. Seeds obovoid, apex rounded and obtuse, chalazal knot elliptic, obtuse ribs conspicuously raised. Fr. Nov.
● Forests; ca. 1300 m. Yunnan.
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