3a. Aster albescens var. albescens
小舌紫菀(原变种) xiao she zi wan (yuan bian zhong)
Aster cabulicus Lindley; A. ferrugineus Edgeworth (1846), not H. L. Wendland (1819); A. ignoratus Kunth & C. D. Bouché; Homostylium cabulicum (Lindley) Nees; Microglossa cabulica (Lindley) C. B. Clarke; M. griffithii C. B. Clarke; M. salicifolia Diels.
Leaf blade narrowly to broadly lanceolate, 5-12 × 1-12.5 cm, abaxially gray-white appressed tomentulose, margin flat, entire. Outer phyllaries ovate, abaxial surface sparsely hairy or glabrate.
500-3000 m. Gansu, Guizhou, W Hubei, S Sichuan, E and N Xizang, NW Yunnan [S and W Himalayan region].
This variety is common.
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