6. Chondrilla laticoronata Leonova, Fl. URSS. 29: 754. 1964.
宽冠粉苞菊 kuan guan fen bao ju
Herbs 20-60 cm tall, perennial, ± broomlike. Stem erect-spreadingly branched from base, basally usually densely arachnoid hairy and sometimes with sparse rigid hairs; branches light green, slender, ± leafy. Leaves glabrous or with arachnoid hairs. Lower stem leaves narrowly lanceolate, ca. 3 cm × 3-7 mm, early deciduous, margin entire or weakly dentate. Middle and upper stem leaves linear, narrowly linear, or almost filiform, 1.5-2.5(-5) cm × 0.5-2 mm, margin entire. Capitula with 9-11 florets. Involucre 1-1.3 cm, ± white tomentose. Phyllaries whitish grayish green; outer phyllaries narrowly triangular-ovate, longest ca. 2 mm; inner phyllaries 8, sometimes with a few pale bristles on midvein. Achene body 3.5-4.5 mm, with approximately quadrangular corona scales with truncate and entire to somewhat erose margin, below corona with few rows of conspicuous quadrangular scales similar to corona scales; beak 1-2.5 mm, with fine articulation near its base below or slightly above upper edge of corona. Pappus white, 6-7 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.
Gravelly areas; 1000-2200 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, SC Russia].
The delimitation between Chondrilla laticoronata and C. piptocoma should be reassessed. See note under the latter species, above.
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