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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Cystopteridaceae | Cystopteris

4. Cystopteris guizhouensis X. Y. Wang & P. S. Wang, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 19: 141. 1997.

贵州冷蕨 gui zhou leng jue

Rhizomes shortly creeping, scaly at apex along with stipe bases; scales brown, ovate-lanceolate. Fronds approximate or caespitose, up to 29 cm; stipe base dark purple, upper part stramineous, 7-9 cm, nearly 1/2 as long as lamina; lamina bipinnatifid, lanceolate, 18-21 × 4-5 cm at middle, thinly herbaceous when dried, dark green, glabrate on surfaces, base slightly narrowed, apex long acuminate; pinnae 12-15 pairs, spreading, basal 1 or 2 pairs slightly shorter than upper pinnae, subopposite, sessile, oblong or ovate-oblong, 2.5-2.8 × 1-1.2 cm, subequilateral, cuneate at base, obtuse at apex; pinna segments 8-10 pairs, often oblong, crenate, apex rounded or truncate; veins free, terminating in emarginations. Sori small, orbicular, usually in one row on either side of costa; indusia broadly ovate, membranous, persistent. Perispore echinate, spines 6-7 μm.

● Rock crevices in forests; ca. 2800 m. Guizhou.


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