15. Dalbergia dyeriana Prain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 70: 44. 1901.
大金刚藤 da jin gang teng
Woody climbers, large. Branchlets rather slender, glabrous. Leaves 7-13 cm; leaflets (7-)9-15; petiolules 2-2.5 mm; blade adaxially shiny, obovate-oblong or oblong, 2.5-4(-5) × 1-2(-2.5) cm, thinly leathery, abaxially sparsely appressed pubescent, adaxially glabrous, veinlets finely closely reticulate, prominent on both surfaces, apex rounded or retuse, occasionally emarginate. Panicles axillary, lax, few flowered, 3-5 × ca. 3 cm; peduncles, branches, and pedicels puberulent. Pedicel 1.5-3 mm; bracts and bracteoles deciduous, oblong and lanceolate. Calyx campanulate, puberulent, soon glabrous; teeth triangular, obtuse, upper 2 widest, lowest longer than others, subacute. Corolla yellowish white; petals slightly long clawed; standard oblong, emarginate; wings ovate-oblong, without auricles; keel narrowly oblong, shortly auriculate on upper side below. Stamens 9, monadelphous; filaments free in upper 1/4. Ovary shortly stipitate, puberulent or subglabrous, 1-3-ovuled; style short, glabrous; stigma small. Legume distinctly stipitate, oblong or strap-shaped, compressed, 5-6(-9) × 1.2-2 cm, thinly leathery, finely but distinctly reticulate opposite 1(or 2) seeds, base cuneate, apex rounded, obtuse, or acute, with apiculate tip. Seeds oblong-reniform, ca. 10 × 5 mm. Fl. May.
● Mountain slopes, among bushes and thickets, along valleys; 700-1500 m. Gansu, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.