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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 5 | Urticaceae | Dendrocnide

3. Dendrocnide kotoensis (Hayata ex Yamamoto) B. L. Shih & Yuen P. Yang, Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 36: 162. 1995.

红头咬人狗 hong tou yao ren gou

Laportea kotoensis Hayata ex Yamamoto, Suppl. Icon. Pl. Formosan. 1: 2. 1925.

Trees; bark smooth, indistinctly lenticellate; second year branchlets glabrous. Stipules broadly triangular, ca. 1 cm, leathery; petiole to 15 cm; leaf blade ovate, ovate-oblong to obovate-oblong, to 40 × 21 cm, leathery, penniveined, lateral veins 7-11 each side, subglabrous, very sparsely setose, base rounded, shallowly cordate to subpeltate, margin entire, rarely dentate or crenate, apex acute or short acuminate; cystoliths minutely punctiform, conspicuous adaxially. Male inflorescences cymose paniculate; subglabrous; branches whitish green, armed with a few non-poisonous hairs, ultimate branching angle less than 90 degrees. Male flowers: perianth lobes 4. Female flowers several on a flabellate receptacle; sessile, bracts triangular, linear, without midvein. Achene subglobose, oblique, compressed, ca. 2 mm in diam., inconspicuously verrucose; persistent perianth forming a minute cupule at base. Fr. Apr-Jul.

* Coastal forests, along streams; ?100-200 m. Taiwan (Taidong).


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