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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Desmodium

5. Desmodium gracillimum Hemsley, Ann. Bot. (Oxford). 9: 152. 1895.

细叶山蚂蝗 xi ye shan ma huang

Subshrubs, prostrate, 30-60 cm tall. Stems sparsely ap­pressed pubescent and spreading minutely uncinate hairy. Leaves 1-foliolate, rarely 3-foliolate near base of stem; petiole 0.5-2 cm; blade broadly triangular or broadly ovate, 2-3.5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, abaxially appressed sericeous, intermixed with sparse, minute, uncinate hairs, adaxially with subspreading, uncinate hairs, base cordate, apex obtuse. Racemes terminal, 8-20 cm; rachis hairy, laxly flowered, often with 3-flowered fas­cicles. Pedicel 4-6 mm, densely uncinate hairy. Calyx 2-2.3 mm; lobes nearly equal to tube. Corolla white-purple, 4-5 mm; standard obovate, shortly clawed; wings and keel wholly shortly clawed. Legume linear, 2-3.5 × ca. 0.2 cm, lower suture more deeply undulate, upper suture shallowly undulate, 3-5-jointed; articles narrowly elliptic, 6-7 × ca. 2 mm, with dense, spreading, minute, uncinate hairs. Fl. Sep-Nov, fr. Nov-Dec.

● Wastelands; low elevations (200-300 m). S Taiwan.


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