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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Athyriaceae | Diplazium

53. Diplazium squamigerum (Mettenius) C. Hope, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 14: 259. 1902.

鳞柄双盖蕨 lin bing shuang gai jue

Asplenium squamigerum Mettenius, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 239. 1866; Allantodia squamigera (Mettenius) Ching; Athyrium squamigerum (Mettenius) Ohwi; Diplazium yangpieense Ching.

Plants evergreen, medium-sized. Rhizome creeping or ascending to erect, black-brown, apex densely scaly; scales yellow-brown or black-brown, broadly lanceolate, 7-10 mm, membranous, toothed at margin; fronds distant to caespitose. Fertile fronds 30-80(-110) cm; stipe brown at base, upward stramineous, 20-35(-50) cm, 2-4 mm in diam., base with scales similar to those on rhizome, upward with sparse small scales, shallowly grooved adaxially; lamina 2-pinnate with pinnules pinnatilobate or not lobate, occasionally 1-pinnate with pinnules pinnatipartite, broadly ovate-deltoid, 20-40(-60) × 15-30(-50) cm, apex acuminate; pinnae 5-10 pairs, slightly ascending, broadly oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, lower pinnae subopposite; basal pinnae largest, oblong or broadly oblong-lanceolate, 10-20(-35) × 5-8(-10) cm at middle, base cuneate, with stalk up to 3 cm, apex long acuminate; upper pinnae alternate, lanceolate, sessile or subsessile; pinnules 5-10 pairs, alternate, spreading, sessile or shortly stalked, ovate or ovate-deltoid to lanceolate, 3.5(-7) × 1.5-2 cm at base, upward gradually narrower, base cuneate, slightly asymmetrical, pinnatilobate to pinnatifid, apex shortly acuminate or rounded; basal pinnule lobes small, acroscopic lobe smaller; pinnule lobes oblong, ca. 5 or 6 pairs, ascending, rounded at apex, entire or slightly crenate; veins pinnate, visible abaxially, veinlets dark colored; lamina glabrous on both surfaces; rachis and costae stramineous, shallowly grooved adaxially, sparsely scaly; scales dark brown or yellow-brown, lanceolate. Sori linear, slightly curved, medial-inframedial, single or double on basal acroscopic veinlets; indusia gray-brown, thinly membranous, entire, persistent. Spores reniform, perispore prominent, not rugate. 2n = 160.

Broad-leaved forests, high mountain coniferous forests; 800-3000 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [N India, Japan, Korea, Nepal].


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