32. Dryopteris himachalensis Fraser-Jenkins, Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Bot. 18(5): 367. 1989.
木里鳞毛蕨 mu li lin mao jue
Dryopteris pectinatopinnata Ching.
Plants up to 60 cm tall. Rhizome widely creeping, densely scaly; scales dark brown, linear or linear-lanceolate, up to 2 cm. Fronds approximate; stipe brown or amber, 1/4-1/3 as long as lamina, densely clothed with lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, dark brown scales; lamina lanceolate, ca. 45 cm, ca. 14 cm wide at middle, once pinnate-pinnatifid, base narrowed, apex acuminate; pinnae 15-24 pairs, lanceolate, ca. 7 × 1.5 cm, widest at base, truncate, sessile, apex acuminate; segments 10-13 pairs, oblong, both sides parallel, connected at base, with obtuse, sparsely dentate apices. Lamina papery, glabrous adaxially, rarely with linear scales near costa abaxially; rachis and costa with linear-lanceolate, brown scales; veins pinnate, simple or 2-forked, evident on both surfaces. Sori 3 or 4(or 5) pairs on each segment, in 1 regular row on each side of costa, nearer to costa than to margin, absent from apices; indusia slightly thick, perfectly covering sorus.
Picea or Abies forests; 3200-3400 m. SW Sichuan, NW Yunnan [W India].
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