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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 5 | Urticaceae | Elatostema

138. Elatostema tenuifolium W. T. Wang, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 2(1): 22. 1982.

薄叶楼梯草 bao ye lou ti cao

Herbs perennial, monoecious, 30-60 cm tall. Stems ascending or erect, branched, sparsely pubescent. Leaves alternate; nanophylls absent; stipules linear, 4 × 1.5-2 mm, glabrescent, without cystoliths; petiole 0-1 mm; leaf blade obliquely oblong, 8-18 × 2.5-5 cm, membranous, major basal lateral veins absent and venation pinnate, abaxial surface sparsely puberulent, adaxial surface glabrescent, cystoliths conspicuous, dense; base with broader half broadly cuneate, margin dentate, apex acuminate. Male inflorescences solitary, simple, 14-18 × 11-13 mm; peduncle 3-11 mm; receptacle tetragonal, 14-17 × 10-12 mm; bracts absent; bracteoles spatulate-linear or linear. Female inflorescences solitary, 6-9 × 4-6 mm; peduncle 0-1 mm; receptacle oblong, ca. 7 × 3-5 mm; bracts very small, obscure; bracteoles spatulate. Male flowers 5-merous. Achenes ovoid, 3-ribbed. Fl. Aug-Dec.

* Rocks in montane forests; 1000-1100 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan.


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