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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Celastraceae | Euonymus

56. Euonymus chengii J. S. Ma, Harvard Pap. Bot. 10: 95. 1997.

静容卫矛 jing rong wei mao

Evergreen shrubs, 3-5 m tall; branches gray-black to gray-brown, terete, sturdy, twigs greenish or yellow-greenish, with 4 striae when young. Leaves sessile or subsessile; leaf blade leathery to thickly papery, elliptic, 5-10 × 2.3-3.6 cm, base cuneate or acuminate, margin entire, apex slightly caudate; lateral veins invisible. Peduncle 1.5-3.5 cm, 1-3(-4) × dichotomously branched, several flowered; pedicel 5-10 mm. Flowers 4-merous, 10-14 mm in diam.; sepals semiorbicular; petals light green, orbicular to obovate. Capsule tetra-globose, with 4 long winglike angles when fully mature, reddish when fresh, brown or yellow-brown to red-brown when dry, 1.8-3 × 3-3.6 cm, 4-lobed. Seeds ovoid, dark brown, 2 or more per locule; aril orange. Fl. Mar-Jul, fr. Jul-Jan.

● Forests and woodlands in lower mountains or valleys; near sea level to 200 m. S Guangdong, Hainan.

This species was mistakenly treated as a synonym of Euonymus nitidus in a recent revision (J. S. Ma, Thaiszia 11: 1-264. 2001). Further collections from S Guangdong confirm that this is an unusual species in the genus, with winglike angles and more than 2 ovules and seeds per locule; this differs from most of the species in the section.


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