94a. Ficus sarmentosa var. sarmentosa
匍茎榕(原变种) pu jing rong (yuan bian zhong)
Ficus foveolata (Wallich ex Miquel) Wallich ex Miquel; F. reticulata (Miquel) Miquel (1867), not Thunberg (1786); Pogonotrophe foveolata Wallich ex Miquel; P. reticulata Miquel.
Vines or scandent shrubs, woody. Branchlets glabrous, rugose, grayish white when dry. Leaves distichous; petiole ca. 1 cm, subglabrous; leaf blade ovate to oblong, 8-12 × 3-4 cm, ± leathery, abaxially greenish white or pale yellow when dry, adaxially glabrous or sparsely brown pubescent; secondary veins 7-9 on each side of midvein and abaxially slightly raised, tertiary veins honeycomblike. Figs blackish purple when mature, globose to ± globose, slightly depressed, 1.5-2 cm in diam., glabrous, apical pore slightly concave; peduncle 0.5-1.5 cm; involucral bracts triangular, ca. 3 mm, adaxially with scattered bristles.
Forests; 1800-2500 m. Xizang [Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
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