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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Cyperaceae | Fimbristylis

41. Fimbristylis pauciflora R. Brown, Prodr. 225. 1810.

海南飘拂草 hai nan piao fu cao

Fimbristylis hainanensis Tang & F. T. Wang.

Perennials. Rhizomes hardly developed. Culms densely tufted, 5-18 cm tall, slender, short, flatly cylindric, smooth, glabrous, with few leaf sheaths at base. Leaves bladeless; sheath brown, cylindric, apically attenuate, margin membranous, mouth obliquely truncate. Involucral bracts absent. Inflorescences reduced to a single terminal spikelet, narrowly oblong to clavate-oblong, 3.5-4.5 × 1-1.5 mm, few flowered, with basalmost glume empty. Glumes pale with rust-colored short lines, oblong to oblong-ovate, 3-3.2 mm, 7-9-veined, midvein abaxially green, apex obtuse and not mucronate. Stamens 3; anthers linear. Style long and compressed, sparsely ciliate, basally slightly broader; stigmas 3, with sparse papillae. Nutlet white, obovoid, ca. 0.8 mm, nearly 3-sided, with sparse verruculose and subhexagonal reticulation. Fl. and fr. Aug-Sep.

Wet places by ponds; low elevations. Hainan [India, Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Vietnam; Australia, Pacific islands].


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