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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Gastrochilus

3. Gastrochilus hainanensis Z. H. Tsi, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 9(2): 21. 1989.

海南盆距兰 hai nan pen ju lan

Stems 1-2 cm, ca. 5 mm in diam. Leaves 4 or 5, nearly basal; blade oblong, 14-17 × 2-3 cm, fleshy, apex obtuse and unequally 2-lobed. Inflorescence subumbellate, short, several flowered; peduncle 2-3 cm, ca. 3 mm in diam.; floral bracts ovate-triangular, 3-4 mm. Flowers widely opening, thickly textured; sepals and petals yellow, with purplish red spots; lip white, with purple-red spots. Sepals subsimilar, obovate-elliptic, 7-10 × 3-4 mm, apex obtuse. Petals shorter and narrower than sepals; lip with an epichile and a saccate hypochile; epichile ovate-triangular, ca. 6 × 10 mm, thickly fleshy, glabrous, basal margin membranous and slightly toothed, with a large central cushion, and a reversely T-shaped groove at its base, apex rounded, recurved; hypochile conic, 7-8 mm tall, 5-5.5 mm in diam. Column purple, short, thick; rostellum pale yellow, 2-lobed; anther cap nearly subglobose, apex narrowed into a beak. Fl. Aug.

On tree trunks in forests. C Hainan [Thailand, Vietnam].

The record of Saccolabium obliquum in Fl. Hainan. (4: 257. 1977) was based on material of this species.


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