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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Hieracium

2. Hieracium virosum Pallas, Reise Russ. Reich. 1: 501. 1771.

粗毛山柳菊 cu mao shan liu ju

Hieracium prostratum Candolle; H. sabaudum Pallas.

Herbs, perennial, 40-80[-120] cm tall, with thick rhizomes. Stem solitary to few fascicled, basally purple, stout, erect, glabrous or basally with sparse to moderate simple hairs, apically branched. Stem leaves (10-)25-40[-80], basal and lower stem leaves absent at anthesis. Middle stem leaves sessile, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 5-8 × 1.5-5 cm, glaucescent, abaxially pale green and distinctly reticulately veined, margin or only abaxial veins with dense to sparse ± setose simple hairs, base cordate and amplexicaul, margin entire or with sparse and sharp teeth, apex acute to shortly acuminate. Upper stem leaves similar to middle stem leaves but gradually smaller. Synflorescence shortly corymbiform to long paniculiform, with (10-)15-50(-80) capitula. Peduncle glabrous. Involucre campanulate or basally turbinate, 0.9-1.1 cm. Phyllaries in few rows, green or dark green, abaxially glabrous, apex obtuse to acute; outer phyllaries lanceolate, linear, or broadly linear, ca. 3 × 1 mm, often recurved; middle phyllaries lanceolate, 4.5-8 × ca. 1.5 mm; inner phyllaries lanceolate, ca. 1.1 cm × 1 mm. Florets yellow. Achene blackish brown, cylindric, ca. 3 mm, with 10 ribs. Pappus pale yellow, ca. 6 mm. Fl. and fr. Jun-Oct. 2n = 27, 36.

Grasslands, forests, thickets; 1700-2100 m. Xinjiang [India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan; SW Asia, SE Europe].


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