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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Dennstaedtiaceae | Hypolepis

8. Hypolepis polypodioides (Blume) Hooker, Sp. Fil. 2: 64. 1852.

无腺姬蕨 wu xian ji jue

Cheilanthes polypodioides Blume, Enum. Pl. Javae 2: 139. 1828; Hypolepis coerulescens A. Biswas; H. gamblei A. Biswas; H. indica A. Biswas; H. robusta Hayata; H. sikkimensis A. Biswas; H. viridula A. Biswas.

Rhizome 1.5-4 mm in diam., with chestnut-brown hairs to 2 mm. Stipe chestnut-brown, sometimes distally yellow-brown, 20-90(-110) cm, 2-5 mm in diam., stipe with abundant colorless and brown-tinged, eglandular hairs to 2 mm, ± smooth; rachis chestnut-brown, sometimes distally yellow-brown, hairs colorless or brown tinged, eglandular, to 1 mm; lamina 3- or 4-pinnate, ovate or broadly ovate, (21-) 35-125 × 25-55(-85) cm, abaxially with abundant, colorless or brown-tinged, eglandular hairs to 1.5 mm on midribs and veins, sparsely hairy along veins on both surfaces; pinnae 18-25 pairs, basal pairs subopposite, largest at or near base, ovate or triangular, (13-)15-55 × 7.5-35 cm; pinnules oblong to narrowly ovate or triangular, 4.5-18 × 1.6-7.5 cm; ultimate pinnules oblong, 8-40 × 4-15 mm, pinnatipartite, sessile, apex obtuse. Sori circular or ovate, with eglandular hairs to 0.4 mm between sporangia, unprotected or only partially protected by partially reflexed green marginal flap.

Forest margins, exposed places; 700-1700 m (in Taiwan). Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kashmir, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam; Pacific islands].


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