107. Ilex nubicola C. Y. Wu ex Y. R. Li, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 5(1): 13. 1985.
云中冬青 yun zhong dong qing
Trees or shrubs, evergreen. Branchlets stout, longitudinally ridged and sulcate; young branchlets puberulent; terminal buds conical, puberulent, bud scales ciliate. Petiole 8-10 mm, adaxially narrowly sulcate, puberulent on ridge, abaxially puberulent or glabrescent; leaf blade green, oblong, broadly lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 7-9 × 2-3.2 cm, papery, midvein impressed adaxially, minutely puberulent on both surfaces, lateral veins 9 or 10 pairs, raised abaxially, evident adaxially, anastomosing near margin, base broadly cuneate, margin undulate, sparsely serrulate, apex acuminate to long acuminate. Male inflorescences: cymes of order 2 or 3, 3-5-flowered, pseudopaniculate, axillary on current year’s branchlets; rachis 3-6 mm, puberulent or glabrous; peduncles 1-2 mm; pedicels 2-3.5 mm, puberulent throughout; bracteoles 1 or 2, subbasal, puberulent, ciliate; calyx deeply 4-lobed, lobes suborbicular, sparsely ciliate; petals 4, oblong, ca. 3 × 2 mm, basally slightly connate; stamens 4, slightly shorter than petals, anthers elliptic; rudimentary ovary ovoid-globose, apex obtuse, stigma discoid, 4-lobed. Female flowers and fruit not known. Fl. Apr, fr. unknown.
● Forests; ca. 2500 m. SE Yunnan (Jinping).