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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae | Kengyilia

17. Kengyilia hirsuta (Keng) J. L. Yang et al., Hereditas (Lund). 116: 28. 1992.

糙毛以礼草 cao mao yi li cao

Roegneria hirsuta Keng, Acta Univ. Nankin. Sci. Nat. 1963(1): 84. 1963; Agropyron kengii Tzvelev; Elymus kengii (Tzvelev) A. Löve; Kengyilia hirsuta var. obviaristata L. B. Cai; K. hirsuta var. variabilis (Keng) L. B. Cai; K. obviaristata (L. B. Cai) L. B. Cai; R. hirsuta var. leiophylla Keng & S. L. Chen; R. hirsuta var. variabilis Keng.

Culms densely tufted, erect or decumbent, 40–70(–150) cm tall, rigid, 2- or 3-noded, pubescent only below spike. Leaf sheath glabrous or villous at base; leaf blade flat or margin involute, stiff, usually both surfaces glabrous or adaxial surface pilose or abaxial surface densely puberulent, margin ciliate. Spike (3–)6–8 × 0.7–1 cm. Spikelets densely imbricate, greenish or purplish, 10–15 mm excluding awns, with 3–7 florets. Glumes greenish, ovate-oblong, 3- or 4-veined, glabrous, or scabrous along midvein distally, apex acuminate or pointed; proximal glume 4.5–6 mm; distal glume 5–7 mm. Lemma yellowish brown, hirsute; first lemma 8–10 mm; awn erect or slightly reflexed, (1–)2–6 mm. Palea slightly shorter than or equaling lemma, hirsute-ciliate along keels, apex emarginate or 2-lobed. Anthers dark green. Fl. and fr. Aug–Sep. 2n = 42*.

* Mountain steppes, river banks. Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang.


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