11. Leptochilus axillaris (Cavanilles) Kaulfuss, Enum. Filic. 147. 1824.
薄唇蕨 bao chun jue
Acrostichum axillare Cavanilles, Anales Hist. Nat. 1: 101. 1799; Gymnopteris axillaris (Cavanilles) C. Presl; G. variabilis (Hooker) Beddome var. axillaris (Cavanilles) Beddome; Leptochilus platyphyllus Copeland.
Rhizome 1.5-3.5 mm in diam., dorsiventrally flattened, bearing scales and hairs, with only circumvascular sheaths; vascular bundles 7-15; roots absent, root hairs on rhizome; scales sparse, peltate, distinctly spreading, narrowly ovate or triangular, broadest at middle, 0.5-2 × 0.1-0.2 mm, margin denticulate; phyllopodia 3-80 mm apart, ± distinct. Sterile fronds: stipe 2-9 cm, 0.9-1.5 mm in diam.; lamina narrowly elliptic or narrowly ovate, 9-36 × 1.1-6.5 cm, 3-10 × as long as broad, with short glandular hairs, base narrowly decrescent, stipe winged for a considerable part to cuneate-decrescent to cuneate to cordate, auriculate, margin entire. Fertile fronds: stipe 2-7 cm; lamina simple, linear, 15-30 × 0.1-0.5 cm; veins 7-10 mm apart, prominent and distinct, zigzag, each costal areole giving rise to 2 lateral veins, thus lateral veins seemingly branching at or near costa, costal areole bordered by several smaller areoles; a prominent basiscopic (or sometimes acroscopic) connecting vein dichotomously branching off near costa; connecting veins catadromous, 2-4 between adjacent secondary veins; smaller veins prominent and distinct; free veinlets simple or once forked, usually in- and excurrent. Sori acrostichoid, superficial or slightly sunken; paraphyses present.
Epiphytic at low levels in forests. Guizhou, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand].