2. Leptodermis brevisepala H. S. Lo, J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 7(1): 21. 1999.
短萼野丁香 duan e ye ding xiang
Shrubs, ca. 40 cm tall; branchlets terete, erect and long, ferruginous, pubescent or puberulent. Leaves sparsely arranged or 4 fascicled at tips of branchlets; petiole 1-2 mm or sometimes leaves subsessile; blade thickly papery, nearly black adaxially and dark brown abaxially when dry, ovate or lanceolate, 6-10 × 3-5 mm, both surfaces glabrous, margins slightly revolute, apex shortly acuminate or subacute, rarely obtuse; lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, together with midrib conspicuously prominent abaxially; stipules subtriangular, ca. 1.6 mm, subglabrous, with a long stiff apiculus. Cymes almost sessile, terminal on short branches, sometimes axillary, 5-7-flowered. Flowers subsessile or shortly pedicellate; bracteoles transparent, connate below middle portion, subequal to calyx tube in length, subglabrous or puberulent, with a stiff acicular apiculus. Calyx tube black when dry, 1.4-1.7 mm; lobes 5, ovate-orbicular or ovate-triangular, length subequal to width, ca. 0.4 mm, not ciliate, obtuse or subacute. Corolla white, funnelform, 8-10 mm, puberulent outside, densely white villous inside; lobes 5, suborbicular, margins wavy or erose. Stamens 5, inserted below throat of corolla tube; anthers linear, included. Style exserted; stigmas usually 3-lobed, involute.
● About 1800 m. Sichuan (Huili).