30. Leptodermis vestita Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 23: 390. 1888.
广东野丁香 guang dong ye ding xiang
Leptodermis ovata H. J. P. Winkler.
Shrubs, with a few ascending branches, to 0.6 m tall; young branches and leaves slightly to densely squarrose hirsute, glabrescent. Petiole stout, 0.4-0.7 cm, slightly to densely hairy, sometimes leaves sessile; leaf blade subleathery, iron-gray abaxially when dry, ovate, ovate-oblong, elliptic, or sometimes suborbicular, 1.5-4 × 1-2.2 cm, adaxially glabrous or ± hirsutulous on midrib, abaxially hirsutulous on midrib and lateral veins or glabrous, base attenuate or cuneate, margin slightly revolute, apex shortly acuminate, acute, or obtuse; lateral veins 4-7 pairs, together with veinlets adaxially inconspicuous, abaxially conspicuous; stipules broadly triangular, 0.8-1.5 mm, sometimes inconspicuous, apex apiculate. Flowers 3-7 fascicled, terminal or in axils of upper 3-6 pairs of leaves, subsessile or pedicel 0.3-2.6 mm; bracteoles rigid, hyaline, oblong, 2.5-3.5 mm, longer than calyx or subequal at anthesis, ca. 2/3 portion connate, veined, subulate-acuminate. Calyx tube 1.3-3.3 mm, glabrous or slightly hairy outside; lobes 5, ca. 0.5 mm, width greater than length, longitudinally veined, margins slightly imbricate, ciliate, apex subrounded. Corolla white, purple, or red, narrowly funnelform, ca. 1.5 cm, slightly curved, tomentose to sparsely pubescent; lobes 5, oblong, 1.4-1.8 mm, central portion thicker than narrow margins, apex incurved. Stamens 5. Short-styled flowers: stamens inserted above throat of corolla tube, filaments 1.3-3.2 mm, anthers 1.2-2 mm, slightly exserted; style 6.5-9.7 mm, stigma 0.3-1.8 mm, 3-6-lobed. Long-styled flowers: stamens inserted at throat of corolla tube, filaments ca. 0.7 mm, anthers 1.6-2 mm, included; ovary 5-celled, ovule 1 per cell; style 11.2-15.3 mm, stigma 0.6-1.8 mm, 3-5-lobed, slightly exserted. Capsule obovoid, 5.2-7.6 mm; seeds narrowly ellipsoid to ellipsoid or narrowly obovoid to obovoid, 3.3-5.5 mm; aril reticulate, free from testa. Fl. Jun-Dec, fr. Aug-Jan.
● N Guangdong (Lianxian, Ruyuan), Guangxi.