9. Macaranga pustulata King ex J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 5: 445. 1887.
泡腺血桐 pao xian xue tong
Macaranga denticulata (Blume) Müller Argoviensis var. pustulata (King ex J. D. Hooker) Chakrabarty & M. Gango padhyay; M. gmelinifolia King ex J. D. Hooker; Tanarius gmelinifolius (King ex J. D. Hooker) Kuntze; T. pustulatus (King ex J. D. Hooker) Kuntze.
Small trees or shrubs, 3-12 m tall. Branchlets yellowish brown tomentose when young, glabrescent. Stipule ovate-lanceolate or triangular, 7-10 × 4-6 mm, tomentose, upper part recurved; petiole 5-12 cm, pilosulose or glabrous; leaf blade subdeltoid, orbicular-ovate, or ± rhombic, 10-21 × 9-20 cm, papery or thickly papery, abaxially glabrescent, sparsely glandular scaly, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cuneate, truncate, or subcordate, very narrowly peltate or not, with 2 large glands, margin repand or subentire, apex cuspidate-acuminate; palmate veins 3(-5). Male and female inflorescences branched, 4-8 cm, pubescent, soon glabrescent; bracts lanceolate or deltoid, 1-3.5 mm, margin sometimes 2-glandular. Male flowers 5-9 per axil; pedicel ca. 0.5 mm; sepals 3, oblong, ca. 2 mm, pilose or glabrous; stamens 15-20. Female flowers 1 per bract; calyx ca. 1 mm, 3-lobed, tomentose, deciduous; ovary tomentose; styles 2, lingulate, ca. 1 mm, recurved. Fruiting pedicel 1-2 mm, pilose; capsule 2-lobed, ca. 8 mm wide, tomentose, sparsely glandular-scaly, coccus with 2 abaxial glands. Fl. Oct-Dec, fr. following Apr-May.
Secondary forests, mountain slopes, valleys, clearings; 1100-2100 m. S Xizang (Mêdog, Nyalam), SW Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Nepal].