19. Manglietia forrestii W. W. Smith ex Dandy, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 16: 126. 1928.
滇桂木莲 dian gui mu lian
Magnolia fordiana (Oliver) Hu var. forrestii (W. W. Smith ex Dandy) V. S. Kumar; Manglietia fordiana Oliver var. forrestii (W. W. Smith ex Dandy) B. L. Chen & Nooteboom.
Trees, to 25 m tall, ca. 30 cm d.b.h. Young twigs, buds, petioles, abaxial base of outer tepals, and peduncles reddish brown appressed glossy villous. Stipular scars 3-10 mm. Petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade obovate to oblong-obovate, 11-20 × 5-9.5 cm, leathery, abaxially sparsely covered with reddish brown erect trichomes, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, apex abruptly acute to acuminate. Flowers fragrant. Tepals 9(or 10), white; outer 3 tepals oblong-obovate, 4.5-7 cm; tepals of inner 2 whorls obovate, ca. 4.5 cm, thickly fleshy, glabrous; inner 3 tepals smaller. Stamens 1.1-1.5 cm; connective exserted, obtuse; anthers ca. 1 cm, ± distinct or only connate at base. Gynophore 1-2.5 cm. Gynoecium ovoid, ca. 2.5 cm; carpels glabrous. Fruit ovoid, 4-6 cm; mature carpels densely tuberculate, dehiscent along dorsal and ventral sutures, apex shortly beaked. Seeds black, abaxially with several furrows, ventral furrow impressed, base sharp. Fl. Jun, fr. Sep-Oct.
● Forests; 1100-2900 m. SW Guangxi, S and W Yunnan.
One of the co-authors (Nooteboom) considers that this taxon would be better treated as a variety of Manglietia (Magnolia) fordiana.
This species is used for timber.