12. Paraprenanthes longiloba Y. Ling & C. Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 421. 1988.
狭裂假福王草 xia lie jia fu wang cao
Herbs, annual. Stem glabrous. Basal leaves unknown. Middle stem leaves sessile, 3-parted; lateral lobes 1 pair, broadly linear-lanceolate, very small; terminal lobe narrowly linear, to 20 × 1 cm, margin subundulate or inconspicuously dentate, apex long acuminate. Upper stem leaves gradually smaller, similar to middle stem leaves. Synflorescence paniculiform, with numerous capitula. Capitula with usually 8-12 florets. Involucre 9-11 × ca. 3 mm. Outer phyllaries triangular-ovate to linear-lanceolate, largest 3-4 × ca. 0.5 mm, apex acute; inner phyllaries 8, apex obtuse. Florets purple. Achene 4.5-5 mm, attenuate into an almost beaked apex. Pappus 5-6 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul.
● Mountain slopes; ca. 2000 m. Yunnan (Kunming).
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