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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Plagiogyriaceae | Plagiogyria

8. Plagiogyria falcata Copeland, Philipp. J. Sci., C. 2: 133. 1907.

镰羽瘤足蕨 lian yu liu zu jue

Lomaria matthewii Christ ex C. G. Matthew; Plagiogyria adnata (Blume) Beddome var. angustata Rosenstock; P. angustipinna Ching; P. chekiangensis P. L. Chiu; P. dentimarginata J. F. Cheng; P. dunnii Copeland; P. hayatana Makino; P. tenuifolia Copeland.

Stipes (6-)12-20(-30) cm on sterile fronds, 20-45 cm on fertile fronds, distally sharply triangular in cross section; vascular bundle V-shaped; stipes and rachises glabrous; aerophores cushionlike, present only on stipe base. Sterile lamina pinnatifid, (10-)20-40(-55) × (3-)5-13(-17) cm, not glaucous, apex confluent, terminating in a pinnatilobed segment; rachises abaxially carinate; pinnae (12-)35-55 pairs; proximal pinnae adnate to rachises, usually deflexed, not abbreviated or abruptly abbreviated; middle pinnae adnate to rachises, basiscopically straight or rounded; distal pinnae subequilaterally adnate to rachises, basiscopically straight or rounded; veins paired at base and forked above, paired or branched at base with both branches forked above, or rarely mostly simple. Fertile lamina deeply pinnatifid, 20-50 × 3-6(-10) cm; rachises abaxially carinate, sometimes winged; pinnae (15-)35-50 pairs, sessile, broadly adnate to rachises; proximal pinnae not abbreviated or gradually abbreviated, sometimes not well developed. Paraphyses few, often shed early or absent, yellow. Spores yellow, with reddish tubercles.

Densely forested ravines, in shade of rocks; near sea level to 2200 m, usually 500-1500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Philippines].


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