79a. Potentilla gelida var. gelida
耐寒委陵菜(原变种) nai han wei ling cai (yuan bian zhong)
Potentilla fragiformis Willdenow ex Schlechtendal var. gelida (C. A. Meyer) Trautvetter.
Flowering stems erect or ascending, together with petioles and abaxial surface of leaflets pilose and sessile glandular, rarely glabrescent. Leaflets adaxially pilose or glabrescent. Fl. and fr. Jun–Aug.
Marshes, valley grasslands, rock crevices; 2200--4800 m. Xinjiang [N Asia to Himalayas, Europe].
One of us (Ohba) believes that Potentilla morrisonensis Hayata (Icon. Pl. Formosan. 3: 96. 1913), described from Taiwan, may be synonymous with this variety.
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