288. Rhododendron adenosum (Cowan & Davidian) Davidian, Quart. Bull. Amer. Rhododendron Soc. 32: 81. 1978.
枯鲁杜鹃 ku lu du juan
Rhododendron glischrum I. B. Balfour & W. W. Smith var. adenosum Cowan & Davidian, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 21: 147. 1953; R. kuluense D. F. Chamberlain, nom. illeg. superfl.
Shrubs; young shoots densely glandular-setose. Petiole densely glandular-setose; leaf blade leathery, ovate to lanceolate or elliptic, 7–10.5 × 2.4–3.4 cm; margin cartilaginous, papillate; apex acute to acuminate; abaxial surface setose and sparsely tomentose, tomentum quickly lost at least towards apex, or persistent, midrib densely glandular-setose; adaxial surface with a few setae on midrib, glabrous when mature. Inflorescence lax, 6–8-flowered; rachis ca. 5 mm. Pedicel 1.5–2.5 cm, densely glandular-setose; calyx ca. 7 mm, densely glandular-setose; corolla funnel-campanulate, pale pink with purple flecks, 3.5–5 cm; ovary densely glandular-setose; style glabrous. Capsule curved, ca. 20 × 4 mm.
Picea forests; 3300–3600 m. SW Sichuan (Muli).
In the protologue of Rhododendron adenosum the earlier name R. glischrum var. adenosum (based on the same type: J. F. C. Rock 18228) was cited, but without a full bibliographic reference. Rhododendron adenosum was nevertheless validly published as a new combination under Art. 33.2 of the Saint Louis Code because otherwise it would be validly published as the name of a new taxon. The name R. kuluense was published as a nomen novum for R. glischrum var. adenosum, but slightly later in 1978 (18 May) than was R. adenosum (before 16 May); R. kuluense is therefore illegitimate under Art. 52.1 because it was nomenclaturally superfluous when published.
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