49. Rhododendron brachypodum W. P. Fang & P. S. Liu, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 2(2): 92. 1982.
短梗杜鹃 duan geng du juan
Shrubs, ca. 4 m tall; old branches nearly glabrous; young shoots sparsely pubescent and glandular. Petiole 5–7 mm, sparsely pubescent; leaf blade papery, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, rarely oblong-elliptic, 7–10 × 2.5–3 cm; base cuneate to obtuse; apex acuminate to acute; abaxial surface scales 3–4 × their own diameter apart, pale yellow, sparsely pubescent, densely hispid along veins; adaxial surface deep green, sparsely pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, umbellate, 3–5-flowered. Pedicel 0.8–1.4 cm, densely scaly, sparsely glandular; calyx reduced to a rim or unequally lobed, 1–2 mm; corolla funnelform-campanulate, pale green, 2.5–3 cm, outer surface sparsely scaly, inner surface glabrous; lobes elliptic, ca. 1.5 cm; stamens 10, unequal, 2–3 cm, longer than corolla; filaments pubescent below, anthers purple; ovary densely scaly; style longer than corolla, glabrous. Capsule cylindric, 16–18 mm.
1000–1500 m. Sichuan.
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