76. Rhododendron tsaii W. P. Fang, Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot. 12: 66. 1939.
昭通杜鹃 zhao tong du juan
Small shrubs, ca. 0.3 m tall; branchlets long; bud scales deciduous. Petiole 1–1.5 mm, scaly; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 0.6–1.2 × 0.25–0.5 cm; base cuneate; apex subacute or obtuse, slightly mucronate; abaxial surface uniform, buff, scales overlapping, pale fawn; adaxial surface pale green, matt, scales dense. Inflorescence 3–7-flowered. Pedicel 0.1–0.25 cm, densely scaly; calyx reddish, lobes 0.8–1 mm, ovate-rounded, scaly, margin with scales and a few cilia; corolla broadly funnelform, pale purplish, 4.5–6.8 cm, tube 2–2.8 mm, outer surface glabrous; inner surface slightly pubescent; stamens (4 or)5(–7), shorter than corolla, filaments glabrous; ovary ca. 1 mm, densely pale-scaly; style ca. 2 cm, slightly shorter than stamens, glabrous. Capsule 3–4 mm, densely scaly. Fl. May.
Scrub, open moss lands; 2900–3400 m. E Yunnan.
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