22. Vicia wushanica Z. D. Xia, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 34: 430. 1996.
五山野豌豆 wu shan ye wan dou
Herbs perennial, 60-70 cm tall. Stem erect or climbing, few branched. Leaves paripinnate, to 15 cm; stipules hastate or lanceolate, 3-5 × 2-5 mm, margin unequally toothed; leaflets 6-10-paired, oblong-lanceolate, 17-27 × 5-8 mm, puberulent, apex acuminate, mucronate; lateral veins not obvious; tendril branched. Raceme branched from base, 3-4.5 cm, obviously shorter than leaf, 6-10-flowered. Flowers 15-17 mm. Calyx subcampanulate, unequally toothed, hairy. Corolla white with fine purple-blue veins; standard oblong, shortly clawed, ca. 13 × 6 mm, subequaling auriculate wings and longer than keel. Ovary stalked, linear, ca. 5 mm; ovules ca. 5. Legume unknown. Fl. May.
● Hill slopes; ca. 1600 m. S Gansu (Wushan).
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