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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Thymelaeaceae | Wikstroemia

41. Wikstroemia fargesii (Lecomte) Domke, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem. 11: 361. 1932.

城口荛花 cheng kou rao hua

Stellera fargesii Lecomte, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 211. 1916; Daphne fargesii (Domke) Halda.

Shrubs. Branches slightly reddish or brownish gray, terete, glabrous. Leaves opposite to subopposite; petiole 0.5-1 mm; leaf blade dull green adaxially, slightly paler abaxially, elliptic, suborbicular, or oblong-lanceolate, 1-2.2 × 0.8-2 cm, papery, both surfaces glabrous, base broadly cuneate, apex rounded or obtuse; lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, ± conspicuous. Inflorescences terminal on dichotomously much branched lateral branches, capitate, 7-10-flowered; peduncle 0.2-1 cm. Pedicel very short, obscure, articulate at base. Calyx yellow; tube trumpet-shaped, slightly swollen at base, 10-12 mm, exterior glabrous; lobes 5, ovate-oblong, 1.5-2 mm. Stamens 10; filaments ca. 0.3 mm; anthers subsagittate, ca. 1 mm, included within calyx tube. Disk scale 1, linear, apex entire or slightly retuse. Ovary obovoid-ellipsoid, apex strigose; style short; stigma red, globose. Drupe orange-red, ovoid-pyriform, ca. 8 mm, base rounded, apex acuminate.

● Dry bushy hills, calcareous rocks; 1200-1600(-2000) m. Chongqing (Chengkou).


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