25. Potentilla commutata Lehmann var. polyandra Soják, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 116: 38. 1994.
多蕊委陵菜 duo rui wei ling cai
Potentilla decemjuga Soják; P. mieheorum Soják.
Herbs perennial. Flowering stems ascending, 3–10 cm tall, together with petioles appressed villous or sericeous. Radical leaves 2–8 cm including petiole; auricles of stipules connate from base to rounded apex; leaf blade non-interrupted pinnate with 5–15 pairs of leaflets; terminal leaflet oblong to narrowly obovate, 3.5–8 × 2–4 mm, abaxially densely silvery sericeous, base decurrent in apical 2 or 3 pairs of leaflets, margin sharply serrate; cauline leaves small; auricles of stipules herbaceous, apex incised parted or incised serrate; leaf blade simple or with 1 pair of leaflets. Inflorescence 1- to several flowered. Flowers 0.5–1.2 cm in diam.; pedicel 0.3–2.5 cm. Epicalyx segments oblong to lanceolate, margin entire or 2–4-parted. Petals yellow, broadly oblong to elliptic, apex rounded or retuse. Stamens ca. 20. Style subterminal; stigma slightly dilated. Achenes not seen. Fl. and fr. Jul–Aug. 2n = 14.
Alpine meadows, gravelly slopes; 3800--4500 m. Sichuan [Bhutan, NW India, Nepal, Sikkim].
Potentilla commutata var. commutata is distributed in NW India, Nepal, and Sikkim.
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