2. Annona montana Macfadyen, Fl. Jamaica. 1: 7. 1837.
山地番荔枝 shan di fan li zhi
Trees to 10 m tall, evergreen. Bark purplish brown. Branchlets green and smooth when young. Petiole 1.2-2 cm, adaxially grooved; leaf blade elliptic, papery, abaxially smooth and pale green, adaxially light to dark green, secondary veins 11-16 on each side of midvein, basally punctate, and adaxially slightly concave, base cuneate, apex shortly acuminate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary on apical branchlets, 1- or 2-flowered. Pedicel 2.5-4 cm, robust. Sepals ovate, ca. 6 mm. Outer petals yellowish brown, broadly ovate, apex acute; inner petals orange, shorter than outer petals, apex obtuse. Stamens many; filaments white, flat; anther locules brown; connectives apically dilated. Carpels oblong, 6-7 mm, free at anthesis; ovaries pubescent. Syncarp brownish yellow, ovoid, subglobose, or cordate-ovoid, slightly oblique, 9.5-14 × 9.5-12.5 cm, with dense soft prickles and dark brown hairs; pulp yellowish, aromatic. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jul-Sep.
Cultivated; 100-200 m. Guangdong, Taiwan [native to W tropical America].
The fruit, mountain soursop, are of a good flavor.