1. Olax imbricata Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 1: 169. 1820.
铁青树 tie qing shu
Olax wightiana Wallich ex Wight & Arnott; Ximenia olacoides Wight & Arnott.
Shrubs, sometimes climbers, 2-6 m tall. Branchlets brown. Petiole 5-10 mm; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-oblong, 5-10 × 2.5-3.5 cm, ± leathery, glabrous, base rounded, apex acute; secondary veins 6-9 on each side of midvein. Inflorescences usually unbranched, 1.5-2.5 cm; rachis zigzagged; peduncle 3-10 mm. Pedicel 1-3 mm. Calyx small, truncate. Petals white or yellowish, 8-10 mm, 1 entire and 2 2-lobed. Style to 1 cm. Drupe ± globose or obovoid, nearly covered by accrescent orange calyx, 1.5-2 cm in diam. Fl. and fr. Apr-Oct.
Forests or secondary forests; below 200 m. Hainan, Taiwan [India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand].
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