14. Calamus acanthospathus Griffith, Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 5: 39. 1845.
云南省藤 yun nan sheng teng
Calamus feanus Beccari; C. feanus var. medogensis S. J. Pei & San Y. Chen; C. montanus T. Anderson; C. yunnanensis Govaerts; C. yunnanensis var. densiflorus S. J. Pei & San Y. Chen; C. yunnanensis var. intermedius S. J. Pei & San Y. Chen; Palmijuncus acanthospathus (Griffith) Kuntze; P. montanus (T. Anderson) Kuntze.
Stems solitary or weakly clustered, climbing, to 30 m, 1.5-5 cm in diam. Leaf sheaths green with brown hairs, with sparsely to densely arranged, sometimes in short rows, brown, flattened spines to 1 cm, these with sinuous margins, densely hairy initially; ocreas present, densely bristly; knees present; flagella present, to 5.6 m; petioles very short or absent; rachis to 1.4 m with 8-15 broadly lanceolate pinnae per side, these regularly arranged, sometimes somewhat irregularly, especially near base of leaf; middle pinnae 18-30 cm, 3.5-7 cm wide at mid-point, adaxial veins and margins bristly; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 3 m, flagellate; inflorescence bracts tubular; rachillae short and strongly recurved. Fruits yellowish brown, ovoid to ellipsoid, to 2.5 × 1.5 cm, scales grooved.
Lowland or montane rain forests; 800-2400 m. Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].
This species provides a cane used in basketry and furniture-making.