11. Dalbergia volubilis Roxburgh, Pl. Coromandel. 2: 48. 1805.
南亚黄檀 nan ya huang tan
Woody climbers, large, occasionally erect. Branches glabrescent, twining or twisted into spiral hooks; branchlets puberulent, striate. Leaves 7-20 cm; leaflets 9-13, obovate to ovate-elliptic, 2.5-7 × 1.6-3 cm, glabrous, veinlets finely reticulate abaxially, base narrow, apex obtuse and mucronulate. Panicles terminal, rarely axillary, copiously branched, 13.5-30 cm. Flowers 6-8 mm; bracts lanceolate. Calyx campanulate, outside rusty tomentose; teeth 5, lowest one lanceolate, much longer than rest, upper 2 subconnate. Corolla blue to lilac; standard orbicular, reflexed; wings obliquely oblong, clawed; keel boat-shaped, clawed. Stamens 10, diadelphous (5+5), staminal sheath 4.5-5.5 mm; filaments free in upper 1/3. Ovary 4-5 mm, stipitate, pubescent at sutures and stipe, 2-ovuled; style slender; stigma minute. Legume indehiscent, oblong, rarely ovate-oblong, 5-9 × 1.6-2.3 cm, stalked, glabrous, uniformly reticulate, narrowed at base, obtuse to mucronate at apex. Seeds reniform, compressed, ca. 7 × 5 mm. Fl. Jan-May, fr. Mar-Jun.
Sparse forests, climbing on trees, among bushes; 100-700 m. SW Yunnan (Gengma) [Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka].
This species was recorded from China by S. J. Li and H. Wu (J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 15: 171-172. 2007) based on G. Forrest 12139 (BM, K).