72. Arisaema echinoides H. Li, Kew Bull. 55: 425. 2000.
拟刺棒南星 ni ci bang nan xing
Tuber subglobose, ca. 2 cm in diam., stoloniferous. Cataphylls membranous, acute at apex. Leaf solitary; petiole ca. 24 cm, proximally forming pseudostem; leaf blade radiate; leaflets 9, sessile, oblanceolate, 13-16 × 2-3 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate. Peduncle shorter than petioles, ca. 10 cm. Spathe tube purple with numerous longitudinal white stripes, cylindric, ca. 5.1 cm, broadly auriculate and recurved at throat; limb dark purple with white midrib, oblong-ovate, ca. 7 × 4 cm, base slightly constricted, apex abruptly acuminate; pinnate veins 4 or 5 on each side, ascending and connected into intramarginal vein remote from margin for 2-3 mm. Spadix white, unisexual; female zone conic, ca. 1.8 cm × 7 mm, flowers dense; male zone ca. 1.8 cm; synandria sessile; anthers 2 or 3, globose, dehiscing by apical pores. Appendix erect, ca. 3 cm × 5-7 mm, thickened, base truncate and stipitate, apex obtuse and densely echinate; stipe ca. 7 × 3 mm. Fl. May-Jun.
● Forests, thickets, in shade; 2900-3300 m. NW Yunnan (Lijiang).
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