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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Carex

384. Carex eriophylla (Kükenthal) Komarov, Mal. Opred. Rast. Dal’nevost. Kraja. 135. 1925.

毛叶薹草 mao ye tai cao

Carex aristata R. Brown var. eriophylla Kükenthal in Engler, Pflanzenr. 38(IV. 20): 755. 1909.

Rhizome stoloniferous. Culms densely tufted, 70-100 cm tall, obtusely trigonous, smooth, clothed with red-brown and bladeless sheaths at base. Leaves shorter than culm, blades 5-8 mm wide, flat, slightly revolute on margins, glabrous on adaxial surface, pubescent on abaxial surface and sheath, lower leaves rather long sheathed. Involucral bracts leafy, lowermost involucral bract longer than inflorescence, medium to long sheathed, sheath pubescent, upper involucral bracts rather short. Spikes 6-8, remote; terminal 3 or 4 spikes male, narrowly cylindric, 3-5 cm, usually sessile; remaining spikes female, oblong-cylindric or cylindric, 2.5-5 cm, rarely rather long, laxly many flowered, very lax at base, lowermost peduncle ca. 2 cm, upper peduncles rather short. Female glumes brownish, yellow-brown at middle, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, 5-8 mm, up to 11 mm (including awn) at base of spike, membranous, 3-veined, sometimes scabrous on midrib, apex acuminate, aristate, scabrous on awn margins. Utricles green, obliquely patent, longer than glume, rarely shorter than glume at base of spike, broadly ovate, inflated trigonous, 7-8(-10) mm, herbaceous, glabrous or only ciliate on margins, distinctly several veined, base subrounded, shortly stipitate, apex gradually narrowed to a long beak, orifice rather long 2-toothed, teeth divergent. Nutlets loosely enveloped in utricle, obovate, trigonous, ca. 2.2 mm, base shortly stipitate, apex mucronate; style base not thickened; stigmas 3. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.

Wet places at riversides, lakesides, swamps. Heilongjiang, Jilin [Korea, Russia (Far East)].


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