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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Arecaceae | Trachycarpus

2. Trachycarpus princeps Gibbons, Spanner & San Y. Chen, Principes. 39: 73. 1995.

贡山棕榈 gong shan zong lü

Stem solitary, to 10 m tall, 13-16 cm in diam. Leaf sheath fibers coarse, forming an ocrea to 10 cm; petioles to 0.8 m, margins with very small teeth; blades semicircular to almost circular in outline, 0.9-1.2 m wide, bright white waxy on abaxial surface, divided to ca. 1/2 their length into 45-48 stiff segments, transverse veinlets barely visible; middle segments 3-3.5 cm wide. Inflorescences to 0.8 m, erect; male inflorescences branched to 4 orders; rachillae 1-3 cm; female inflorescences branched to 3 orders; rachillae 2-10 cm. Fruits black with a waxy bloom, kidney-shaped, to 0.8 × 1 cm.

● Steep limestone cliffs on banks of Nu Jiang; 1500-1900 m. Yunnan.


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