1. Dysosma majoensis (Gagnepain) M. Hiroe, Pl. Basho’s & Buson’s Hokku Lit. 8(3): 328. 1973.
贵州八角莲 gui zhou ba jiao lian
Podophyllum majoense Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 167. 1938; Dysosma guangxiensis Y. S. Wang; D. lichuanensis Z. Zheng & Y. J. Su; D. majoensis var. emeiensis J. L. Wu & P. Zhuang; P. guangxiense (Y. S. Wang) J. M. H. Shaw.
Plants ca. 50 cm tall. Rhizomes brown, stout, nodose, fibrous roots numerous. Stems erect, angulate, puberulent. Leaves alternate; petiole 4-20 cm; leaf blade abaxially grayish purple, adaxially dark green, reniform-orbicular, 10-20 × ca. 20 cm, thinly papery, abaxially puberulent, deeply 4-6-divided, lobes 3-fid at apex, margin remotely serrulate. Inflorescence a fascicle or sometimes an umbel. Pedicel grayish white, 1-3 cm, long puberulent. Flowers 2-5, attached near base of blade, purple. Sepals pale green, elliptic, unequal in size, 7-15 mm, glabrous. Petals elliptic-lanceolate, ca. 9 × 1.5 cm. Stamens ca. 1.8 cm; filaments nearly as long as or sometimes shorter than anthers; anther connective conspicuously prolonged. Ovary oblong; stigmas shield-shaped, ca. 1.5 mm in diam. Berry red when mature, oblong. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. Jun-Sep.
● Forests, bamboo forests; 1300-1800 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan.
The specific epithet is often misspelled "majorensis" in Chinese publications.