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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Rubiaceae | Hedyotis

13b. Hedyotis capitellata var. mollis (Pierre ex Pitard) T. N. Ninh in T. B. Nguyen, Fl. Taynguyen. Enum. 150. 1984.

疏毛头状花耳草 shu mao tou zhuang hua er cao

Oldenlandia capitellata var. mollis Pierre ex Pitard in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 3: 137. 1922.

Stems, leaf blade, inflorescences, and calyx sparsely pubescent. Fl. Apr-Jul, fr. not seen from China.

Broad-leaved forests at middle elevations. Yunnan (Hekou) [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam].

Ninh’s varietal combination was not known to W. C. Ko (loc. cit.: 66), who intended to publish it himself but was precluded.


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