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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Melanoseris

13. Melanoseris leiolepis (C. Shih) N. Kilian & J. W. Zhang, Fl. China. 20-21: 222. 2011.

光苞毛鳞菊 guang bao mao lin ju

Basionym: Chaetoseris leiolepis C. Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29: 402. 1991.

Herbs to 1 m tall, perennial. Stem solitary, erect, apically branched and glandular hairy. Lower and middle stem leaves narrowly elliptic and basally attenuate into winged ± clasping petiole-like portion, 10-14 × 2.5-4 cm, lyrately pinnatifid to lyrately pinnatipartite, sparsely glandular hairy, margin shallowly sinuate-dentate; lateral lobes 1 or 2 pairs, semiorbicular to elliptic, apex rounded to obtuse; terminal lobe narrowly ovate to lanceolate, 5-8 × 2.5-4 cm, margin ± sinuate, apex acute to acuminate. Upper stem leaves ± sessile, narrowly elliptic to linear-lanceolate, smaller, lyrately pinnatifid or not divided. Synflorescence racemiform or sparsely paniculiform, with few to several capitula. Capitula nodding, with usually 12-16 florets. Involucre campanulate, 1.7-2 × 0.7-1 cm. Phyllaries glabrous, apex acute to obtuse; outer phyllaries triangular-ovate to lanceolate. Florets purple. Achene 6-7 mm; body brown to dark brown, ellipsoid, compressed, lateral ribs broadened, apex tapering into a paler 1-2 mm beak. Pappus double, outer hairs 0.1-0.2 mm, bristles ca. 8 mm. Fl. and fr. Oct.

● Mountain slopes; ca. 2500 m. Yunnan (Jingdong).


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