14. Melanoseris likiangensis (Franchet) N. Kilian & Z. H. Wang, Fl. China. 20-21: 222. 2011.
丽江毛鳞菊 li jiang mao lin ju
Basionym: Lactuca likiangensis Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot) 9: 259. 1895; Chaetoseris bonatii (Beauverd) C. Shih; C. likiangensis (Franchet) C. Shih; Cicerbita bonatii Beauverd; C. likiangensis (Franchet) Beauverd; L. bonatii (Beauverd) H. Léveillé; L. forrestii W. W. Smith.
Herbs 40-60 cm tall, perennial. Rhizomes thick. Stem solitary, erect, apically branched and mostly densely glandular hairy. Basal and lower stem leaves narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic and basally attenuate into a ± winged petiole-like portion, 12-25 × 3-10 cm, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect, margin ± coarsely sinuate-dentate; lateral lobes 3-7 pairs, lowermost small and triangular, others elliptic to suborbicular, apex acute to obtuse; terminal lobe triangular-ovate to lanceolate, distinctly larger than lateral lobes, apex acuminate to acute. Middle and upper stem leaves similar to lower leaves but smaller and sessile with an auriculately clasping base; uppermost leaves lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, less divided or undivided. Synflorescence paniculiform, with several to many capitula. Capitula drooping to nodding, with ca. 10 florets; peduncle wiry, 0.5-3 cm. Involucre cylindric, 1.3-1.8 × 0.4-0.6 cm. Phyllaries purplish green, glandular hispid; outer phyllaries triangular-ovate to lanceolate; inner phyllaries ca. 8. Florets blue to bluish purple. Achene 6-8 mm; body brownish red, narrowly ellipsoid, compressed, lateral ribs broadened, apex contracted into a paler ca. 2 mm beak. Pappus double, outer hairs 0.1-0.2 mm, bristles 6-8 mm. Fl. and fr. Aug-Oct. 2n = 16*.
● Forests, open boulder-strewn slopes, grasslands; 1900-3100 m. Yunnan.
According to the type material preserved at G, Chaetoseris bonatii, based on Cicerbita bonatii, is apparently conspecific.