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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Sinosenecio

35. Sinosenecio septilobus (C. C. Chang) B. Nordenstam, Opera Bot. 44: 51. 1978.

七裂蒲儿根 qi lie pu er gen

Senecio septilobus C. C. Chang, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 6: 59. 1935.

Herbs, subscapigerous, with leafy stem. Rhizomes 3-5 mm in diam., clad in persistent petiole bases. Stems usually solitary, erect, 30-35 cm tall, 2.5-3 mm in diam. at base, simple, sparsely white arachnoid or subglabrous. Radical leaves several, rosulate, long petiolate; petiole 9-12 cm, sparsely villous, glabrescent, basally slightly expanded; blade adaxially green, orbicular, 3.5-5 × 4-8 cm, abaxially densely white tomentose, adaxially thinly adpressed arachnoid to rarely subglabrous, base deeply cordate, margin usually deeply palmately 7-9-lobed to middle, lobes deltoid, margin entire or inconspicuously dentate, apex obtuse to rounded, mucronulate. Stem leaves 1 or 2, smaller, palmately lobed, shortly petiolate. Capitula 1.5-2 cm in diam., 7-13 arranged in terminal ± subumbelliform corymbs; peduncles 1-3(-7) cm, slender, with a basal oblanceolate or leaflike or 3-7-lobed bract, with 1 or 2 linear bracts in upper part, sparsely pubescent. Involucres campanulate, subhemispheric when flattened, 5-6 × 4-5.5 mm, not calyculate; phyllaries ca. 13, ovate-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, rarely linear, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, herbaceous, sparsely arachnoid, margin broadly scarious, apically obtuse to subacute and ciliate. Ray florets ca. 13; corolla tube 2-2.5 mm; lamina yellow, oblong, 6-7 × 1.5-2 mm, 4-veined, apically 3-denticulate. Disk florets many; corolla yellow, ca. 4 mm, with ca. 2 mm tube and campanulate limb; lobes lanceolate, 1-1.5 mm, apically acute. Anthers oblong, ca. 1.4 mm, appendages ovate-lanceolate. Style branches recurved, ca. 0.7 mm. Achenes cylindric, ca. 1.5 mm, smooth, glabrous. Pappus white, ca. 3 mm. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jun-Jul. 2n = 48*.

● Thickets, on rocks, in bushes, roadsides; 400-2300 m. Chongqing (Nanchuan), Guizhou (Daozhen).

Sinosenecio septilobus is easily distinguished by its leaves 7-9-palmatilobed to the middle, green adaxially owing to the absence of white tomentum, and densely white tomentose abaxially.


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