29. Dryopteris tokyoensis (Matsumura ex Makino) C. Christensen, Index Filic. 298. 1905.
东京鳞毛蕨 dong jing lin mao jue
Nephrodium tokyoense Matsumura ex Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 13: 81. 1899; Dryopteris sanmingensis Ching.
Plants 90-110 cm tall. Rhizome erect, short, apex densely clothed with broadly lanceolate, brown scales. Fronds caespitose; stipe stramineous, 20-25 cm, clothed with broadly lanceolate scales; scales sparse from middle of stipe upward; lamina oblong-lanceolate, 60-85 cm, 12-15 cm wide at middle, pinnate-bipinnatisect, gradually narrowed toward base, apex acuminate; pinnae 30-40 pairs, oblique, narrowly lanceolate, shortly stalked, middle pinnae 8-9.5 cm, 1.2-1.6 cm wide at base, broadly cuneate or rounded, pinnatifid, sometimes pinnatisect, acuminate, lower pinnae gradually shortened, basal pair ca. 4 cm, pinnatifid or pinnate; segments oblong, entire or serrulate, apex rounded. Lamina papery, both surfaces subglabrous, with only small fibriform scales on abaxial side of costa base; veins pinnate, lateral ones 2-forked, extending to lamina margin. Usually only upper pinnae fertile. Sori in 1 row and rather close to costa, borne on middle of veinlets; indusia orbicular-reniform, entire, persistent.
Forests, damp places, marshes; 1000-1200 m. Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang [Japan].