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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Dryopteridaceae | Dryopteris

107. Dryopteris simasakii (H. Itô) Kurata, J. Geobot. 18: 5. 1970.

高鳞毛蕨 gao lin mao jue

Rhizome ascending or erect, densely covered with scales; scales brown, lanceolate. Fronds caespitose. Stipes stramineous, 20-30(-57) cm, 3-4 mm in diam., densely scaly; scales at base lanceolate or broadly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, up to 2 cm; scales on upper part fugacious or persistent and denser. Lamina ovate-lanceolate, 30-50 × 15-25 cm, bipinnate or tripinnate at base. Pinnae 12-15 pairs, subopposite, spreading below, oblong-lanceolate, 15-18 × 4-5 cm, narrowed at base and sessile, overlapping rachis, acuminate. Pinnules 10-15 pairs, lanceolate, 2-4 cm × 8-12 mm, shallowly cordate, shortly stalked, pinnatifid to pinnatisect, acute or obtuse. Segments 5-8 pairs, obtuse, with an acute apical tooth. Veins pinnate, simple or forked, obscure adaxially, visible abaxially. Lamina herbaceous, yellowish green, glabrous adaxially, scaly abaxially; scales on rachis brown, lanceolate, toothed; pinna rachis densely covered with bullate scales; costa covered with hairlike scales. Sori borne near edges; indusia reniform, entire. n = 123.

Subtropical broad-leaved evergreen forests. Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Japan].

1 Lamina tripinnate or bipinnate, pinnules pinnatifid; scales lanceolate.   107a var. simasakii
+ Lamina bipinnate, pinnules pinnately lobed; rachis and pinna rachis with both broadly lanceolate and linear- lanceolate scales.   107b var. paleacea

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