17. Selliguea dactylina (Christ) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
[comb. nov.]
指叶假瘤蕨 zhi ye jia liu jue
Basionym: Polypodium dactylinum Christ, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52(Mém. 1): 20. 1905; Crypsinus dactylinus (Christ) Tagawa; Phymatodes dactylina (Christ) Ching; Phymatopsis dactylina (Christ) Ching; Phymatopteris dactylina (Christ) Pichi Sermolli.
Rhizome 3-5 mm in diam., densely scaly throughout; scales yellowish brown, narrowly lanceolate, 5-7 mm, margin entire, apex long acuminate or setaceous. Fronds monomorphic. Stipe straw-colored, 7-10 cm, glabrous; lamina palmately 4-7-lobed, 10-20 × 10-15 cm, base cuneate or cordate, margin entire and slightly revolute. Lobes narrowly oblong, central lobe longer than lateral lobes, 5-10 × 1-1.5 cm, outermost lobes much shorter, apex obtuse or acute. Costa distinct, lateral veins and veinlets obscure. Lamina herbaceous, both surfaces glabrous, abaxial surface pale green, grayish when dried, adaxial surface green. Sori orbicular, medial or slightly close to margin.
● Epiphytic on tree trunks or on rocks; 1200-1400 m. Sichuan, Zhejiang.
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