42. Selliguea stewartii (Beddome) S. G. Lu, Hovenkamp & M. G. Gilbert
[comb. nov.]
尾尖假瘤蕨 wei jian jia liu jue
Basionym: Pleopeltis stewartii Beddome, Ferns Brit. India 1: 204. 1866; Crypsinus stewartii (Beddome) Copeland; Phymatodes stewartii (Beddome) Ching; Phymatopsis stewartii (Beddome) Ching; Phymatopteris stewartii (Beddome) Pichi Sermolli; Pichisermollia stewartii (Beddome) Fraser-Jenkins; Pichisermollodes stewartii (Beddome) Fraser-Jenkins; ?Polypodium cyrtolobum J. Smith ex C. B. Clarke; ?P. malacodon Hooker var. majus J. Smith ex Hooker; P. stewartii (Beddome) Baker.
Rhizome 3-4 mm in diam., with whitish bloom, scaly; scales uniformly castaneous or black, lanceolate, acumen whitish ciliate. Fronds remote or close. Stipe light brown, 7-10 cm, glabrous; lamina pinnatisect, 15-30 × 10-18 cm, base rounded or shallowly cordate, margin regularly obtusely serrate, rarely basal lobe forked. Lateral lobes 2-4 pairs, 10-15 × 1-2 cm, spreading and slightly contracted at base, from middle part curved toward apex of lamina, apex caudate-acuminate. Lateral veins distinct, not reaching margin, veinlets obscure. Lamina herbaceous, both surfaces glabrous. Sori orbicular, near costa.
Epiphytic on tree trunks or on rocks; 2400-3000 m. Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [N India, Nepal].
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