2. Leptochilus ×beddomei (Manickam & Irudayaraj) X. C. Zhang & Nooteboom
[comb. nov.]
异叶线蕨 yi ye xian jue
Basionym: Colysis ×beddomei Manickam & Irudayaraj, Taxon 46: 267. 1997; C. diversifolia W. M. Chu (1979), not Leptochilus diversifolius (Blume) C. Christensen (1906).
Rhizome long creeping, reddish brown, densely scaly; scales reddish brown, peltate, ovate-lanceolate, base subrounded, margin sparsely denticulate, apex acuminate. Fronds monomorphic to dimorphic, sometimes fertile fronds also dimorphic, distant; stipe 4-10 cm, narrowly winged; lamina broadly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 30-50 × 3-7 cm, papery, glabrous, base long decurrent to base of stipes, apex acuminate; lateral veins prominent, veinlets forming 3 or 4 large areoles between 2 adjacent lateral veins, free included veinlets simple or forked. Sori separate, orbicular or oblong to linear, definitely connate, in 1 regular row between adjacent lateral veins.
800-1200 m. SE Yunnan [India, Myanmar].
The fertile fronds of Colysis diversifolia are of two kinds, sometimes like those of C. hemionitidea, and sometimes narrowed like those of Leptochilus decurrens. Manickam and Irudayaraj made a good case for these plants representing a hybrid between them.