6. Leptochilus leveillei (Christ) X. C. Zhang & Nooteboom
[comb. nov.]
绿叶线蕨 lü ye xian jue
Basionym: Selliguea leveillei Christ, Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 16: 236. 1906; Colysis leveillei (Christ) Ching; C. leveillei f. angusta (C. Christensen) Ching; C. leveillei f. major (C. Christensen) Ching; Polypodium leveillei (Christ) C. Christensen; P. leveillei f. angustum C. Christensen; P. leveillei f. majus C. Christensen.
Rhizome slender, long creeping; scales brown, ovate-lanceolate, 1.1-4.4 × 0.3-1 mm, margin sparsely denticulate, apex acuminate. Fronds monomorphic or slightly dimorphic, distant; stipe stramineous, 4-8 cm; lamina linear or linear-lanceolate, 20-40 cm, 0.8-4 cm wide at middle, herbaceous, glabrous, gradually decurrent nearly to base, margin slightly undulate, apex long acuminate or caudate; veinlets forming 2 rows of areoles between 2 adjacent lateral veins, free included veinlets simple or forked. Sori linear, 1 regular row between lateral veins, up to margin of lamina, without paraphyses.
● Wet forests; 400-1300 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou.
This combination was previously published by X. C. Zhang (Lycophytes Ferns China, 654. 2012) but not validly so because Colysis leveillei was cited instead of the basionym, Selliguea leveillei (Melbourne Code, Art. 41.5).
Leptochilus leveillei is very similar to L. wrightii but without paraphyses.